MYC has an new automatic gate on the main entrance.

The gate is controlled by phoning the number posted next to the gate.  
If your number is on the list of authorized users then the gate will open from the call.

Members cell numbers will be added to the list once they have paid the current years subscription and their account is paid up to date.  Members who have made a payment arrangement to spread the subs over some months will also be added.


Note that updating the list is an admin chore that must be done by a volunteer committee member so please be patient - if you have paid and the gate doesn't  open for you then please send an SMS to the Commodore.     Note also that the club membership database is missing cell numbers for quite a few members so naturally it cannot work for them - please ensure we have the Names, cell & email for yourself and family who need access.

All access is logged.   Members must be present at the club with any guests they invite.  Any numbers used to open the gate where the member is not present will be blacklisted on the system.

Please return your old gate keys to John the caretaker.